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Patients Impressions and Opinions

Elmi, April 2016

If you're looking for a natural practice I would highly recommend Praxis Lemm. As a first time mom I have a lot of questions and worries which Dr. Lemm was able to address. Dr. Lemm is also warm and professional and introduced me to acupuncture for the first time. I have been doing this regularly and have since seen some improvement to my wellbeing and various pregnancy issues. I am also participating in prenatal pilates classes and receiving massage on a regular basis.
The staff are highly professional and always accommodating so I would not hesitate to recommend this practice.

Rosmery, July 2014

Hola querida Praxis Lemm,
El día de hoy cumpliendo 37+5 semanas de embarazo, me siento muy agradecida con la atención recibida de parte de todo el personal del consultorio Lemm, yo llegue en el mes de mayo con serios problemas emocionales debido a mi embarazo, tuve días donde no paraba de llorar y tenía mucha rabia de todo además un dolor de espalda que no me dejaba a veces caminar, no podía entender que pasaba sólo sabía que mi cuerpo estaba hormonalmente trastornado y viviendo un cambio tremendo.
Una amiga me contó del consultorio Lemm y no dudé en visitarlo. a mi primer encuentro fui muy bien recibida y se me atendió inmediatamente, se me ofrecieron los servicios de acupuntura y masajes y también tuve la oportunidad de recibir una terapia para sanar algunos traumas provocados durante el embarazo. Ahora mismo sin dudarlo puedo decir que desde hace ya dos meses atrás disfruto mucho más de mi embarazo, el dolor de espalda se fue y estoy mucho más tranquila.
Con toda certeza puedo recomendar a todas las mujeres embarazadas que visiten el consultorio Lemm es una maravilla.

Katrin, January 2014

Tired during pregnancy
I cannot recommend this practice enough! I am currently pregnant with my second child. Before I had heard of Vesna Lemm and her fantastic team of practitioners I had a number of physical and emotional problems. I didn't get much help from my Gynecologist, as according to her, constant exhaustion, re-occurring infections and sleepless nights are all 'part of the process'.
So it was a huge blessing to be recommended Praxis Lemm. After the initial assessment and a blood test I was told that my exhaustion was due to a lack of vital minerals and vitamins. After 2 weeks of treatments, which included acupuncture, ayuverdic massages and vitamin supplements I started to feel a lot better - my energy levels increased, the infections cleared up, the skin improved, sleep patterns were normal again.
Since then I have had weekly treatments that make me feel a bit like a rock star.. I had no idea that it would be possible to be pampered and looked after like this - most of it paid for by the insurance company! I am so grateful to Vesna and her team as I can now fully enjoy this precious period of being pregnant.


Naidene Creagh, February 2013

I am pregnant and I have been with this praxis for the duration of my pregnancy and I am now in my final week. I had two miscarriages previously and i truly believe that all the help that I have had from Vesna and the staff have contributed to my successful pregnancy. It was discovered through discussions with Vesna and a referral to my dr. that I have a fructose intolerance. Addressing this and vitamin deficiencies through blood tests, I feel so much better and it has made a huge difference to my life.
I cannot say enough how grateful I am for all the care I have had through consultations, acupuncture, massage and pilates to make me enjoy a healthy, happy and relaxing pregnancy and I will be able to continue to benefit from better health once the baby is born.
Thank you Praxis Lemm.
Naidene Creagh

Steve Malcom, January 2012

I am a physician myself and chose Praxis Lemm in the Bötzowstr. 8 months ago to be my first point of call for all health associated issues here in Berlin. This a decision I’m very glad I made.
Vesna’s broad experience in chelate therapy has helped me to successfully treat my own severe heavy metal toxicity (mercury, lead, thallium, arsenic, silber and aluminium were at levels 80x above the acceptable upper normal limit). I’m now well on my way to being completey heavy metal free !! My gratidute in this regard is immense.
I’ve found also that Vesna generally looks outside of the ‘square’ when considering treatment options and invests more time and consideration into helping patients regain good health than I’ve experienced in other medical practices. Her holistic approach looks at the causes of a problem, and is not focused on merely treating the symptoms. This has certainly helped me gain a much better understanding of my own body and of the interconnections between bodily systems. Sadly I have to note it is a quality which seems to be chronically lacking in many of my German colleagues.
Last but not least the charming Praxis Team, in particular Juliane Rauhut, deserves a big portion of praise. Forget the usual “Praxiszicken,” …these ladies are professional, competent, extremely helpful and bend over backwards to ensure that the time spent in the practice is pleasant and runs as smoothly as possible.
All in all Praxis Lemm is the ideal partner for personal health management and I think it is unique!, certainly here in Berlin.

Layla Omara, June 2011

"I first visited Vesna in November 2011 as I was feeling extremely exhausted and also was trying to conceive and had not had any success. Vesna approached my treatment in a wonderfully holisitic, expert and sensible way that made me trust her completely. She gave me insights in to my diet and nutrients that I was missing that I would never have considered. 6 months later, after a series of infusions, injections and acupuncture I am both feeling much better, and also am 12 weeks pregnant!
I would entirely recommend Dr Lemm, and the whole team at Praxis Lemm for anyone looking for help trying to conceive - I am absolutely convinced that my treatments played a great role in helping me to achieve my dream of conceiving a child."
Many thanks,
Layla Omara

Jennifer, September 2010

With all the changes in pregnancy, and this being my first, naturally I was incredibly confused. Once I found Praxis Lemm I was immediately reassured and since coming can only recommend it further. The atmosphere is welcoming, comforting and most importantly - relaxing! The team is incredibly friendly, nice and helpful. Personally, I appreciate the approach combining natural/alternative techniques with modern medicine, so this was definitely the place for me. With everything from pilates, acupuncture, light therapy and more, it feels like a mini spa retreat every week! It's a treat to come to each appointment and each and every question/problem I've had thus far someone has been there to help me and in almost every case, acupuncture or simple advice has solved everything. This has been an incredibly easy and enjoyable pregnancy and I can definitely thank everyone at Praxis Lemm for that.
Jen Grasso

Philippa C. , July 28 2009

After the preterm birth of my son and consequent breastfeeding my body was in a state of both shock and undernourishment due to a food allergy that was until then unknown to me. Dr. Lemm guided me through the detection and treatment of Celiacs disease, a wheat allergy, which may worsen throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, and provided me with recommendations following the diagnosis.
The combination of medecine and treatments in which Dr. Lemm specializes made her the perfect doctor for me. I was in a terrible state when I first visited the clinic and did not really believe that the root of my problem could be a food related disease, but her inclination was right on, and the road to ecovery has been a most gratifying one.
I am one very happy person due to the helpful asistance of Dr. Lemm and her friendly team at the Praxis.


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Contact person:

Dr. med. Vesna Lemm
General practitioner (GP) and internist, natural medicine and acupuncture and midwife.

Office hours
Mon, Wed: 2 p.m.- 8 p.m.
Tue, Thur, Fri: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

On site
by telephone 030 45306785
or by online appointment
