Nutrition classes

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Group courses about nutrition “Satt –Schlank- Gesund”

Sometimes it is easier and more motivating to learn about new things within a group others. The group courses about nutrition offer you:

  • latest information on health maintenance
  • information and guidelines on weight maintenance or weight reduction
  • help in adjusting your eating habits without starvation and without eliminating enjoyment
  • prevention and cure of:
  • metabolic disturbances ( diabetes,gout)
  • high blood pressure
  • after heart attack or stroke
  • fatigue

Detailed information will be provided on:

  • energy supplier,such as fat, carbohydrates and protein
  • how to lower your cholesterol level
  • vitamins, minerals, trace elements
  • how to evaluate food according to quality and quantity
  • how to influence your metabolism
  • meaning and function of insulin
  • dieting and its effects
  • relation between exercise and muscle build-up

Through a virtual presentation (Power Point®) the content of class will be demonstrated and, if you wish, you will receive a personal printout.

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Did you know:

Nutrition expert in Practice Dr. Lemm::

Dr. med. Vesna Lemm


Thursday 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.


8 hours over 2-3 days (depends upon the number of participants)


maximum 12 participants

Registration is mandatory for participation.

Office hours
Mon, Wed: 2 p.m.- 8 p.m.
Tue, Thur, Fri: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

On site
by telephone 030 45306785
or by online appointment
