Nordic Walking

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Nordic Walking

A perfect preparation for birth and breastfeeding time with nordic walking as an addition to pilates,yoga and birth preparing course. This course is for all women but specially adapted for the needs of pregnant women. Through this way we can offer you a complete preparing programme.

Nordic walking is ideal for pregnant women. This course takes place outside, because the fresh air helps the development of the baby. With the walking we also practice a lot with the pelvic floor, to strenghten it for the birth and in general. Additionally we move the arms and shoulders intensively, strenghten the upper back and neck. Thats why this course is a very good preparation for the breastfeeding time. Speaking out of experience, this is an effective method to strenghten and relax a tense neck and thoracic spine.

Furthermore there is enough time that the course participants can get to know each other and exchange experiences,so that they can maybe establish new relationships.

Through our professional training the course is accepted by all statutory health insurances and is recognized as a prevention course. These insurances refund 75-80% of the total fee of 110€ which consist of 8 course units. Private insurances refund 100% of the total fee. Condition herefore is a Diagnose f.e muscle tension.

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Did you know:

Nordic Walking trainers in Practice Lemm:

Dr. med. Vesna Lemm
Sophia Siebert

Start of course:

Tuesday 06:00 p.m. - 07:00 p.m.


110 Euros for 8 times of 1 hour

Health insurance coverage:

Nordic Walking course is covered at 75% by public insurance, by private insurance 100%.

On site
by telephone 030 45306785
or by online appointment
