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HypnoBirthing® enables women to give birth in a natural way and strengthens their faith in being able to give birth to their children naturally and by their own strength. It is both a philosophy and an applied technique. We offer our HypnoBirthing® courses for couples of a pregnant woman and her birth companion, who are less than 5 weeks away from their predicted due date.

Dear pregnant woman,

make your child's birth a celebration of love and devotedness by returning to your instincts and to your body's knowledge. Learn self-hypnosis and breathing-techniques to achieve deep relaxation which will help you during birth by increasing the release of feel-good hormones and pain-inhibiting hormones.
HypnoBirthing® teaches you to trust in your body, to let go of any fears, to replace these by positive images, to perceive a birth according to your own ideas and to feel as independent as possible during birth.
HypnoBirthing®, already while you are pregnant, enables you to feel a very strong connection with your baby, and also your birth companion will play an important role from the beginning, while being included more deeply in this wonderful event.
Learn riding the waves, and begin your unique voyage of giving birth.

The course is conducted by a certified HypnoBirthing® trainer.

Since not all couples may have the time to attend a course of several weeks, we have decided to offer them as compact workshops. The dates can be found in the pink part of this page (course dates). During two days, you and your birth companion will learn, and live, all the content of HypnoBirthing®.
Of course it is beneficial if you have already gained some experience in a relaxation technique.

Come in cozy clothes and bring yourselves snacks for the break. Tea and cookies will be provided.

We charge 300 Euro for the course which are to be paid in our practice before the start of the course. You will get a handout and the HypnoBirthing® book by M. Mongan including the download of the Rainbow Relaxation.

Since maximum 5 couples can participate in a course, it is advisable to reserve your place early. Get in touch with us soon, and we will figure out together, if the course is relevent for you. If so, by paying 100 Euro in advance, you can reserve your place.

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Info for appointments

The HypnoBirthing® trainer in Practice Lemm:
Jennifer Hee Houng-Schulz

Course dates:

Sat  10 am – 4:15 pm
Sun 10 am – 4:15 pm
on the following dates:

11 and 12 January 2020

16 and 17 May 2020

29 and 30 August 2020

7 and 8 November 2020


300 Euro for the compact workshop - 2 lessons of 6 hours each incl. HypnoBirthing® book

On site
by telephone 030 45306785
or by online appointment
