Diagnosis & counseling

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Holistic diagnosis

I use diagnostic techniques of mainstream medicine and naturopathic medicine as a basis for further patient treatment.

I offer as diagnosis:

  • Extensive anamnesis of your state of health and of your eating habits if you have a cronicle disease
  • Physical examination based on mainstream medicine and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  • Blood test to determine vitamins, liver, kidney and body cell functions.
  • Blood test for food intolerance and allergies
  • Determining immune status
  • Bio-impedance measurement
  • According to your needs or at your request the latest genetic test ( to determine metabolism)

Based on this diagnosis a detailed counselling can be performed. My medical advise is aimed at showing you how you treat yourself. We (health care professional and patient) will work on appropriate measures and life-style changes that are realistic and doable. We will consider your life-style, stress and conflict management as well as exercise and nutritional habits.

Did you know:

Contact person:

Dr. med. Vesna Lemm
General practitioner (GP) and internist, natural medicine and acupuncture and midwife.

On site
by telephone 030 45306785
or by online appointment
